Mount Isa Mines – Laser Scanning
Mount Isa Mines Mount Isa, QLD PROJECT OVERVIEW MinStaff Survey was been engaged by Glencore to undertake a full scan of infrastructure areas associated with the copper concentration circuit. SCOPE OF WORKS Establishment of survey control network and connection to existing datum High Definition (HD) Laser Scan of major structures including; SAG Mills, Floatation Common […]
Cooby Dam
Cooby Dam Highfields, QLD PROJECT OVERVIEW MinStaff Survey was been engaged by Newlands Group to provide as-constructed verification of the existing Cooby Dam intake pipework as a part of the Cooby Dam Pipework Upgrade Package. SCOPE OF WORKS Densification of the survey control network High Definition (HD) Laser Scanning utilising our X7 and SX12 to […]
Shaft 2 Headframe Mongolia
Shaft 2 Headframe OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA PROJECT OVERVIEW Prior to the recommencement of mining activities onsite, Rio Tinto engaged MinStaff Survey to complete a high definition 3D Laser Scan of the Shaft 2 Headframe in order to generate a precise and comprehensive as-built model for rectification works. SCOPE OF WORKS Densification of the survey control […]
Toowoomba Range Clearance Upgrade
Toowoomba Range Clearance Upgrade Project Toowoomba, QLD PROJECT OVERVIEW MinStaff Survey partnered with BMD on the Toowoomba Range Clearance Upgrade Project to complete the Survey Works associated with this project. This Queensland Rail Project involved lowering the floor of eleven heritage listed rail tunnels on the Toowoomba and Little Liverpool Range. Works were completed during planned […]